
Knox Box

HCESD48 has implemented the Knox Rapid Entry System for emergency access to commercial properties. This high-security key system is designed to provide firefighters with immediate entry to locked buildings or secured areas during after-hours emergencies when the premises are unoccupied.

Car Seat Inspection Request

Car Seat Inspections are a free service provided by HCESD 48. To request an appointment, complete and send a request form.

Home Safety Survey

Home Safety Surveys are a free service provided by HCESD 48. To request your Home Safety Survey, complete and send a request form.

Water Safety Education

Water safety is important for all ages. We team up with organizations like the Judah Brown Project and Katy Aquatics to provide vital water safety education. Parents and children learn to identify safety tools, how to use them, learn CPR and rescue techniques, and to create a safe environment for children around water.

Senior Safety

We provide fire and fall safety training to senior groups and collaborate with managers at senior living facilities to minimize fire hazards and enhance emergency preparedness. Additionally, we distribute Vial of Life packets to seniors, which assist first responders during emergencies.

After the Fire

The After the Fire program is currently being revamped to better service our community. However, we are here to assist you with any questions you have, please click the link below to email our Community Risk Reduction Team.