Thomas Hurley is a Lieutenant in the Rehab Group, which provides physical rehabilitation and rehydration for firefighters and other first responders who have been working on an emergency scene for extended periods of time. The Rehab Group is dispatched to major fires, emergencies, and natural disasters across the region when the health and safety of emergency responders operating on the scene may be jeopardized by the nature or duration of the incident or the weather.
Tom joined the West I-10 Volunteer Fire Department’s Rehab Group in 2015 and then transitioned to Harris County ESD 48. He joined the fire service after retiring from a long and successful career as Associate General Tax Counsel (International) for both Amoco Corporation and BP. Tom holds law degrees from Duquesne University School of Law (J.D.) and Georgetown University Law Center (LL.M.).
Tom previously volunteered for many years with the American Red Cross as an Emergency Response Vehicle driver but is now dedicated to working in the fire service and providing important support to emergency responders in our region whenever and wherever dispatched. His wife Marianne is also a member of the Rehab Group.